Man, Machine, A.I.

In Man, Machine, AI I explore the relationship between the three in creating an artwork. As a printmaker we are already accustomed to using machines to help us print an image, however in this project I go not one step further but two steps further. Instead of designing an image by drawing, transferring it to the wood plate, start to cut it and then use a machine to print the final image I decided to start out with an AI which helps me sketch and design the beginnings of my artworks, which are then moved to Photoshop where I make digital collages of the image. To eventually be sent to a lasercutting machine which engraves the image for me. To make sure I retain the human element in this project I try to guide all the processes as much as possible. Causing accidents or carefully manipulating the inking process to create an artwork that always has the charm of human creation.


Het raakpunt tussen waarneming en verbeelding: ‘Close to twilight’ bij Galerie 10a


Elia Vanderheyden: nadenken over het ondenkbare