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+32 488 09 62 39
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Excited to share the pictures of "Polyphony Resonance" in the Sichuan museum of Fine Arts in collaboration with @royalacademyantwerp and the Academy of Fine Arts in Chongqing, Sichuan. Glad to have been a part of this exhibition! And to have gone to Chongqing for two weeks. One of my favourite lifetime experiences so far. Met so many amazing students, teachers and people all around! My first time in china but definitely not my last. Looking forward to the next trip!
#art #china #chongqing #exhibition #antwerp #printmaking

I'm excited to announce I'm being shortlisted for @globalcreativegraduateshowcase
As an printmaking artist represented by the @royalacademyantwerp @print_royalacademyantwerp
You can now VOTE for my work through the link in my Bio!

Some big things are happening. Lots of news Will be coming in the future and I'm eager to start sharing the news!
#landscape #artist #print #printmaking #romanticism #landscapeart #sublime #philosophy #printmakersofinstagram

Untitled #12
115x70 cm
Edition of 1
Lasercut woodcut
As part of "The threads of reality became shattered through nature's destruction."
#sublime #printmaking #landscapeart #landscape #climatechange #nature #romanticism #art #artist #artgallery #abstractart #abstract #emotions

As part of "the threads of reality became shattered through nature's destruction"
Edition of 1
Shown during the master exhibition of @royalacademyantwerp in 2024 where I graduated with a Master in fine arts Printmaking.
#print #printmaking #artist #printmakersofinstagram #landscapeart #landscape #abstractart #philosophy #nature #sublime #romanticism

I'm happy to say that i will be participating in "Voyage Voyage" Part 2, next week at @theplatformartgallery
I would love to invite you all to the opening night. everyone is welcome!
Exhibition runs from 08/08 - 08/09
opening night next thursday 08/08 from 18h-21h
De Burburestraat 14, 2000 Antwerp, BE