“Black Noise”

"Black Noise" is a unique book. It consists of 52 papers or 104 pages. Each paper was printed twice, making use of 26 different uncut woodblocks.

The absence of cutting allows the wood to tell its own story through the visualisation of the woodgrain and inking errors. Its nature allows a certain noise to be born from the images which, combined with the format of a book creates an intimate space.

For a truly immersive experience, it is recommended to read the book while wearing headphones that play a black noise sound frequency in the background. This adds an extra layer to the journey, allowing the readers to fully immerse themselves and find solace amidst the overwhelming abundance of information that surrounds us today. In a world where tranquility is increasingly scarce, this book aims to provide a sanctuary for the mind, offering a respite from the noise and fostering a sense of inner peace.

By Elia Vanderheyden, 2023
Printed on demand in an edition of 10 + 1 A.P.


Book 2: BOUND BY PRINT (under construction)